As we look at the potential of agriculture to become a job and livelihood creator for the bottom 40%, including rural youth and women, many opportunities emerge.
There is significant difference in employment and enterprise opportunities created in vegetables, fruit, milk and aquaculture as compared to cereals. In Kenya, 6 jobs are created per hectare of vegetable crops that are exported, including 3 positions in the field, 2 in packed houses and one with the exporter. In Nigeria, for every 10 metric tons of catfish 8 jobs are created; one on the fish farm and the rest in supply chain including “Market Queens”, “Market Mamas”, and ladies running the Buka restaurants. The implication of all this is that a large proportion of future jobs will be created not only on farms but also in positions connected to food servicing and delivery.
Pathways to Inclusive employment in agriculture
There are four pathways emerging for the bottom 40% to access more, better, and inclusive jobs in agriculture and related sectors in rural areas.
- Firstly, small farmers need mechanisms through which they can aggregate their produce to deal with the market. They need to be organized as producer organizations and companies and engage with the market differently.
- Secondly the value chains should be developed in such a manner that they become more inclusive and developed with jobs and enterprises perspective.
- Thirdly, there needs to be more investment in expanding the ecosystem of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Existing SMEs should be encouraged to grow faster and new SMEs to emerge.
- Fourthly, youth need to be provided opportunities for skill development and enhancement so they are able to access entrepreneurship opportunities and acquire jobs in agribusiness, non-farm, and rural labor markets.
A new Global Solution Group for the Agriculture Global Practice
The Agriculture Global Practice at the World Bank works with Governments and clients to support them design and manage policies and investments that promote new opportunities in agriculture, food and related sectors in rural areas. A new Global Solution Group has been recently set up in the last six months to match problems and challenges with solutions in this area. It has a multi-sectoral composition, with professionals from various practices across the Bank participating. Bank staff who are designing or managing programs within the Agricultural sector share challenges or problems, and the Global Solution Group identifies solutions that have previously been tried in the Bank and outside. The GSG and Bank staff then work together to consider the possible solutions and how they might impact the design or evaluation of programs. These lessons are also shared with clients and presented to senior decision makers to help them take decisions and carry out informed dialogues.
Informed presentations and discussions with the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Kosovo about how to create a more favorable ecosystem for Agribusiness investment and Rural Enterprise ecosystem in the country were conducted. Tunisia and Morocco Teams are looking for approaches which integrate poverty reduction, value chain development, and market based approaches to climate smart agriculture and will launch an interesting set of studies and dialogues with clients in the country. A team in Tanzania is looking at designing a new Horticulture Development Project informed by analytics, including a tool which will enable the team to apply a Jobs lens to value chains.
All these experiences are being documented and curated by the GSG and will be offered on the GSG website platform to enable all staff of the World Bank to access this knowledge, including papers, presentations, videos and other material. The GSG team is also trying to make this interactive so that individuals could post both challenges and solutions and create a vibrant community of practitioners.
Please throw a challenge to the GSG on the issues mentioned above!
We will crowd source the World Bank Group and also ensure that we bring collective global learning to inform you and support you in designing, managing and evaluating investments, analytics, policy advice and strategic communication.
We would like to invite agencies and individuals outside the World Bank to suggest solutions they have found which have worked or not worked— both can encourage learning. We would like you to become solution contributors. We hope that we will have an active community of solution finders and a frank exchange on what works and does not work.
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