Within the developing agenda of Ghana, agriculture is identified as
one of the economic pillars. The nexus/connection between agriculture
development and Ghana’s ability to achieve its food and nutrition
security goals are inextricably linked.
Agriculture is important to the development of any nation, Ghana
being no exception. Development must include the youth and therefore the
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) seeks to encourage their
participation in the agricultural sector. This effort seeks to change
the negative perception the youth have of participation in agriculture,
(farmers) as uneducated, unskilled, physical labourers with extremely
low economic return. Modern agriculture is more than tilling the soil
and animals. The sector today offers career opportunities in research,
environment, financial management, engineering and other technical areas
for the youth to explore.
The introduction of the Youth in Agriculture Programme (YIAP) is
necessary and vital to facilitate food and nutrition security because of
the following reasons but not limited to:

A Combine Harvester on a Block Farm at Savelugu
- There is compelling evidence of ageing farmer population in the
country which must be addressed to facilitate sustainability in
agriculture production. The average age of farmer in Ghana is 55 years
and life expectancy averages between 55 – 60 years.
- Ghana’s food import bill for rice, cooking oil, frozen chicken and
meat (have become staple food) continues to rise. If this trend
continues the availability of food in Ghana in the near future will
depend on imports making the country vulnerable to catastrophic events
and other exogenous shocks that have negative impact on food production
from external source. The youth is strategic to the success of any
effort to boost Ghana’s food production.
- The poor image of persons involved in agriculture, especially in the
rural communities needs to be changed and the youth are the ideal
catalyst such change given their greater prosperity and wiliness to
adapt new ideas, concept and technology which are all important to
changing the way agriculture is practiced and perceived.
- Increased employment particularly rural employment is required as youth unemployment is on the increase.
- Increase productivity in agricultural sector depends on the youth
who compromise about 20 – 30 of Ghana’s active population. Their energy
and numbers provide tremendous opportunities for increasing agricultural
- YIAP provides productive alternatives for the engagement of the youth to reduce crime and other social problems.
- Diversified, modern farming practices.
- New crop varieties and animal strains/breeds.
- Less soil pollution since there will be regular advice and supervision from MOFA.
- Reduction in rural-urban migration.

Youth on a Block Farm at Savelugu
The Youth in Agriculture Programme (YIAP) is a
Government of Ghana (GOG) agricultural sector initiative with an
objective of motivating the youth to accept and appreciate farming/food
production as a commercial venture, thereby taking up farming as a life
time vocation.
The YIAP has the task and responsibility of mobilizing the youth to
take up farming and its other related activities as life time vocation.
By so doing the following benefits will be derived from the employment
for the youth, through the provision of tractor services and agro –
The youth in Agriculture Programme has the objective of
- Making youth accept farming as a commercial business venture;
- Generate appreciable income to meet farmers domestic and personal needs;
- Youth will improve their standard of living-through improved income.
- Youth will be motivated to stay in rural areas, as inputs will be
delivered at their farm gate, on credit basis and interest free,
- Produce enough food crops, meat and fish using modem methods.
Components of the Youth in Agriculture Programme (YIAP)
The Youth in Agriculture has four (4) components namely:
i. Crops / Block Farm
ii. Livestock and Poultry
iii. Fisheries/Aquaculture and
iv. Agribusiness
Crops/Block Farm
This System has two sub-components, general crops and the block farm
Block Farm, under this Scheme, state land or land acquired from chiefs
or private individuals is ploughed and shared in

Block Farm Rice and Combine Harvester
blocks among ; young farmer under supervision of MOFA staff. For now,
the crops under YIAP include maize (seed and grain), sorghum, soybean,
tomato and onion.
Other enterprises will be included as the programme expands. Under
the block farm, YIAP provides farmers with tractor services, inputs at
subsidized prices all on credit and at interest free. The land is
ploughed and shared amongst young farmers in blocks. In the long run,
big commercial farmers are to be made from Block Farm and the other
component of the Youth in Agric Programme.
With regard to the general system, farmers clustered in an area may
be considered under the programme. At the end of the season, farmers are
expected to repay the facility in kind. This system takes care of their
marketing responsibilities and post harvest loses. Farmers may sell
their produce to the Buffer Stock Company established by MOFA or’ any
customer of their choice.
Livestock and Poultry
This component targets young unemployed men and women to take to
production of livestock and poultry (broilers layers, guinea fowls and
piggery to begin with. Beneficiary youth will be assisted with day old
chicks in the case of broilers, layers and guinea fowls, They will be
provided with housing, feeding, drugs and vaccine, utility until they
are weaned off the programme in about a year.
Similarly breeding sows and pigs together with the other inputs will
be provided. There is a programme for other animals such as cattle,
sheep and goats and other stocks such as rabbit and grasscutter will be
added. Since animal production is a specialized area, participating
farmers will be trained.
The Youth in Aquaculture Programme is first of all being driven by
the demand for healthy fish and inadequate domestic fish production.
Traditional harvest fisheries are cither fully exploited or near full
exploitation and cannot meet the increasing demand for seafood.
The youth are especially targeted to form the focal point of the project.
Who can join the Programme
- .Any person interested in farming
- Group of young men and women in the community interested in farming.
- Any institution training farmers.
How to Join the Youth in Agriculture Programme
- Contact any MOFA office at the Regional or District level in Regional and District capitals.
- Contact the National secretariat of the Youth in Agriculture Programme, MOFA, Accra,
- For block farm participants, you must be in groups with elected leaders.
You must apply in writing and state your area of interest, location to access to any agricultural productive resource .
Youth in Agriculture Programme
- Tractor services where your land is ploughable
- If your land cannot be ploughed you have to clear it yourself.
- Supply of inputs such as seeds, agro-chemicals, sacks, and facilitate marketing of your produce.
- Technical support from Agric. Extension staff of MOFA.
- Training of farmers free of charge, where the need arises.
The role of the District, Municipal and metropolitan Assemblies
- Supervision
- Assist to acquire land
- Provide land and equipment
- Monitor activities
An organization or individual without an exit strategy may be in a quagmire. At worst, an exit
strategy will save face; at best an exit strategy will peg a
withdrawal to the achievement of an objective worth more than the cost
of continued involvement.
Any business, be it farming, commerce or e manufacturing needs to
grow. In any business’ formative years, a push is needed. This push
could be in the form of capital, land or management. In terms of h
agriculture, resources such as land, capital and labour s need be
expanded or intensified. The Youth in Agriculture Programme is the
channel through which the Government of Ghana is giving a push to the
In order to allow the youth to grow in their farming businesses,
young farmers participating in the various, components of YIAP need to
be weaned off at a point. , However, this will depend on which component
or enterprise the young farmer is involved in, because the gestation
period of each enterprise varies from the other. The young farmer at
that point needs to be, partially independent in terms of taking
decisions, acquisition of inputs and marketing of his/her produce.
The YIAP will introduce weaned young farmers to the appropriate
service providers and Banks such as Agricultural Development Bank,
StanBic Bank, etc.
The details of provision of credit to the farmer will be between the
farmer and the bank. The YIAP however will continue to maintain contacts
with the farmers in order to draw from their knowledge and experience
for new participants in the programme.
Crops/Block farm
Each young farmer will have to be encouraged to open a bank account
with the agricultural inclined banks as a first step. A young farmer who
is able to continue repaying his/her debts with YIAP will be allowed to
continue up to 3 years. After 3 years he has to look for his/her own
land, because it is expected that he/she will expand his farm from 2
hectares to 5 hectares and above hectares.
Each young farmer will be encouraged to open a bank account as a
general policy of the programme. Since the production cycle of poultry,
rabbits and pigs allow several in a year; a young farmer will be with
the programme for 2years. It is expected that at the end of the second
year, the farmer would have gained enough knowledge and experience to be
on his own. Financially he would have saved some funds to enable him
construct a simple animal house.
Aquiculture/ Fisheries
Young farmers will be weaned off after 1 year. The Cost-Benefit
analysis show that after two successful production cycles (will make
about 50%of working capital invested as income),
young farmers should be able to save to construct their own cages.
The banks should be able to provide the farmer with working capital as
credit to enable them put into use their cages constructed.
This component involves training of the youth in processing,
marketing and consultancy in various areas of agricultural production.
The YIAP will be able to keep participants up to I year. After 1 year, a
young participant will be weaned off the programme. To begin,
especially for the processors, simple processing equipment would be
provided to them on credit basis. For the working capital, weaned young
participants would be introduced to the appropriate financial
The YIAP is under the leadership of The National Coordinator, and supported by four (4) Coordinators namely as follows;
1. National Programme Coordinator Alhahi E.A. Mahama
2. Coordinator, Crops/Block Farm Mr. Emmanuel Akuna
3. Coordinator, Aquaculture/Fisheries Mr. Francis Gao
4. Coordinator, Livestock & Poultry Mr. Julius Nukpeza
5. Coordinator, Agribusiness Rev. Mrs.Nyvieme Adiapena
Details of activities, financial commitments and plans for this year,
2011 would be made known to you by the National Coordinator, Alhaji
Adam Mahama, after you have finally settled.